Home⏰ 102 Videos Lectra Complete 2D Training Videos Recorded Course Subscription 1 Months⏰
⏰ 102 Videos Lectra Complete 2D Training Videos Recorded Course Subscription 1 Months⏰
⏰ 102 Videos Lectra Complete 2D Training Videos Recorded Course Subscription 1 Months⏰

⏰ 102 Videos Lectra Complete 2D Training Videos Recorded Course Subscription 1 Months⏰

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Product Description





102 Recorded Lectra Complete Training videos in Hindi Language.


**Software’s Course 102 Recorded Videos consists of software**

1.        PDS - Pattern Making Software

2.        Grading – Pattern Sizes Creation

3.        Marker – Cutting Layout Planning Software

4.        Digitize – Hard Copy or Old Pattern Scanning

5.        Import & Export - File Conversion (DXF, AAMA, ASTM) ---


In 102 Lectra Complete Training video course of each video consists of 5 Minutes to 10 Minutes, I will train you all from scratch to Complete Lectra software via video format sitting in your home. This training consists from Basic guidelines to remember while starting CAD software to complete procedure how you can learn all the above 5 software modules in a easy & simple layman Hindi language.


**Who can enroll for the course**

1.        Pattern Masters

2.        Quality Checkers

3.        Merchandisers

4.        Fashion Designer

5.        Students ( 12th or Degree Pass out looking for Job )

6.        Job Seekers

7.        Fabric cutters

8.        Pattern Quality Checkers

9.        Sample Stitching Person

10.      Person who wants their children should know about Digital Pattern Making

11.      People who is willing to shift different industry for high salary expectation.


**You will get the complete details of below during Course**

Explanation of All Tools Details

Optitex tools use, Logo, Short cut key to remember, Diagram wise explanation in Pen Tablet then proper demonstration of tools in Lectra Software.


Lectra Training Videos Recorded in the Year 2024 in Hindi Language & Each Year it will upgraded as per up gradation of software.


This is an insane value-packed, action-oriented Lectra Full Detailed Course training for different Industry & apply for 5-6 category jobs after completing the course.

You can complete the 102 Videos course any time of your choice within 1 Months time and renew every month until you learn..

**We look forward to seeing you inside the Members Area. Happy Learning**


You can complete the course any time of your choice as this comes with 1 Months from month start to end day of month & It is recorded Course in Hindi Language.

If you want to upgrade to 6 Months then you can contact us by sending mail to kameswar@cadcourses.in or help.cadsolution@gmail.com. our support team will contact you and pay the difference amount of course fees and upgrade it to 6 months & Offer is valid only within 7 days of purchase time.


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